Special Licensing / EULA
Most basic font needs are covered by a standard license, however in certain cases you may need a special extended license for use outside the terms of the EULA (End User License Agreement).
If you would like to purchase a Special Extended License for any Jukebox font(s), please contact me with a detailed desciption of your needs.
Examples of extended license uses would be:
- Use of the font as an integral part of a logo or logotype and branding identity for a company or product.
- Inclusion of the font as part of a software package or mobile app (OEM licensing).
- Use of the font in film or television logos or titling with national or international distribution.
For a complete list of uses covered and not covered (requiring special licenses) for Jukebox Fonts, please download and read the standard EULA .pdf below.
Download Jukebox EULA